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Baldwin Park

Do you think Baldwin Park is one of the best places on earth? Does it sometimes feel no one is sharing the good news in your community, your favorite restaurant, your favorite hole in the wall shop? Do you wish you had a platform to sing the praises of people and events that make your community special? Scouts? Sporting events? youth teams and tournament victories? Or, more to the point, when a mysterious sign shows up in your neighborhood? If you love your town, sign up to become your Patch Mayor. Here are 3 reasons why you should sign up: 1. Use Patch and our Facebook and Twitter pages to spread the word about about charity events, local celebrations, civic issues, weather, high school sports, new restaurants or businesses, and more 2. Spark an guide local conversations as the host of your Patch about what's happening nearby - be it a lost pet or a controversial issue in front of City Council 3. You'll be published on Patch, reaching thousands of your neighbors and people in other cities around the East Bay The ideal candidate is a civic-minded. Sociable resident who's plugged into what people in town are saying and doing. Is active on social media and who wants to share the stories of his or her neighborhood or town and guide community conversation. Places a Patch Mayor is a trusted contributor who's curious about the people.

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